Thursday, February 8, 2007

2 hours and counting

No mood to work. No mood to think. No mood to eat..or wait a minute, maybe this is not true cos I just had like BBQ pork rice + a free ice cream choc top...

Just keep thinking about my AAA results that's going to come out soon...Hope everything will be good for all of us, so that we can enjoy our weekend...

1 comment:

Darren said...

Relax. It shouldn't be a pblm for someone with:
1)first class honours (40th place in NBS);
2) scored 277 for PSLE;
3) son of a famous national bowler;
4)the descendant of a legendary char kway teow hawker;
5)obtained 9 As for "O-Levels".
Altho I don't know how point (3) and (4) helps in this case...its still golden :P
Everyone else, am sure u did well too