Monday, February 26, 2007

A Giant Victory

Tonight marks a giant victory in our challenge against the establishment!!

Credit must go to:
HY - for being the "ringleader" and leading the charge towards equality
Mich - for providing much-appreciated and constant support for the cause
Yishan - for sleeping thru the conflict? Haha, kidding lah - This allowed us to proceed w/o conflict amongst ourselves..honestly for the well-received support as well
Angela - she suffered enough in Adelaide - this will be a nice reward for her
Darrel - for always providing a dissenting view that makes the rest of us even more determined to go on..
Kevan - HY and me finally walked the talk; so no more groundless accusations. Now you can take more holidays, just like the time we went back Singapore to fight and you went holidaying..

That's all folks....I said my piece whether you like it or not.

Not to spoil the celebratory mood - looking forward to our Tasmania trip so we can toast to this victory!!!